Finding Audacity and Resolve

This past week I have been ruminating on how to meet the moment, how to begin to begin. This past month, like many of us, I have been sitting wide-eyed, mouth agape, in anxiety, in concern, even fear. But for those that know me in person, you know that I can’t sit in that space for long. I shift my focus from focusing on what is out of my control, to what is in my control.

And to be honest, not knowing how to begin never stopped me. All I need is the audacity to start, and I figure it out along the way.

We could ask alot of questions: What is the point of the chaos? How in the world does *insert decision here* serve them? Is cruelty the point? How did we get here? Why?

They have sown enough fear to leave the majority of us in a perpetual state of paralysis. That is the point. To make us feel like this is happening to us, to make us feel like we have no control, to make us victims, ostracized, oppressed, helpless.

But we are not victims.

We are not helpless.

We have the power to create a new reality in our day to day.

Even if we are at the mercy of policies meant to divide, oppress, and create fear that those that are different are the real enemy, we can take daily actions, create community, change the narrative.

So, let’s change the narrative.

One of the biggest problems we are facing is the slow, insidious erosion of our communities. The idea that we have rugged individualism divides us. We can change that.

So, I have a few ideas on how I can start in my own community by starting a mutual aid network. But I am going to need feedback and perspective to get this started (and hopefully you can use the same ideas in your own communities). While I have never truly done something like this before, as I have said, I have never let that stop me from starting and finding success. All I need is the audacity and resolve.

All we all need is audacity and resolve.

2 thoughts on “Finding Audacity and Resolve

  • We have to start somewhere.
    I read yesterday that we have a chance to change the majority in Congress in the midterms. Not sure if that is true, as they were looking for money.

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